
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Destruction of Nations

The modern world wishes to build a new world. To do this there has to be a destruction of nations, as James Perloff, author of book Truth Is a Lonely Warrior: Unmasking the Forces Behind Global Destruction, describes in his blog.

It is hard to limit his idea (and ideal) of nation deconstruction and reconstruction to traditional Liberalism because the modern version of Conservatism aligns itself with the many of the ideas, and the ideals, of Liberalism.

Below is an excerpt from Perloff's blog:
The Agenda Behind the Refugee Crisis

Conflict between Islam and Christianity” is exactly what the Zionists behind 9/11 have been generating through the never-ending Middle East wars. Now, the transplanting of hundreds of thousands of young male “Syrian” refugees into Europe and America could turns these lands themselves into battlefields. Besides the natural tensions resettlement creates (job competition in already-stressed economies; conflicts in religion, culture and language; lingering resentment among Muslims over what the West has done to their homelands), some of these “refugees” may be sleeper ISIS fighters. All it would take to ignite chaos would a major false flag, such as the demolition of the Dome of the Rock, perpetrated by Mossad but blamed on others. (The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is one of Islam’s holiest shrines; it has been falsely claimed to be erected on the ancient site of Solomon’s Temple, which Zionists have long wished to rebuild as the throne of their false Messiah/antichrist, ruler of world government.)

The chaos of bloody street clashes between displaced Muslims and Americans/Europeans could achieve yet other Illuminati goals, including imposition of domestic martial law and suspension of remaining freedoms. Fighting could also expand, like a wildfire, into a global war including Russia and China, which would fulfill yet more Illuminati aims: population reduction, and emergence of world government as “the only way to relieve the planet’s suffering.