I wrote the followng response to the comment on the article 150 Year Old Canada Experiencing Highest Levels of Immigration Ever , by Ricardo Duchesne on the website Council of European Canadians (I've also posted the article here):
Jakob Scheffer • 20 hours ago
We should not use free-standing figures, but put them in perspective. In a link you gave, it is revealed that the total net cost of non-Western immigrants in Denmark is 33 billion kroner. That is 6.6 billion CAD, or about 1,200 CAD per capita. Better is to see what this 33 billion kroner is as a percentage of Danish GDP expressed in kroner. Denmark's GDP is about 2 trillion kroner, so those 33 billion kroner are 1.65% of Danish GDP. That is not a very high percentage.
A Swedish economist said it best when he stated that immigration has not brought any net economic benefits to Sweden, but that it hasn't been an economic calamity either. The problem of course is that it will become a calamity if it continues undiminished.
Regards. JS
Kidist Paulos Asrat Jakob Scheffer • 16 minutes ago
It is people like you who make wonderful pro and con pronouncements sitting from, no doubt, a comfortable perch, who haven't the God-given human (and humane) common sense to extrapolate on the consequences. These immigrants are not stupid. They know they cannot kill the goose which lays the golden eggs. Instead they cleverly cull and accumulate what they would need when THEIR time comes.
Of course they can do this because the structures are sound and solid and whites still continue to make the big and important societal (science, art, technology, medicine, community, etc. etc.) contributions.
But go to certain locations, both in the US and in Canada, and you will see what happens, and much sooner than you think.
Immigration has been sugar-coated by elitist intellectual language for so long now that these elitist intellectuals actually BELIEVE what they say.
Have some grit and take a stand. I challenge you.
Kidist Paulos Asrat
MoxNix Kidist Paulos Asrat • 8 hours ago
"They know they cannot kill the goose which lays the golden eggs."
Could've fooled me.
Kidist Paulos Asrat MoxNix • 5 hours ago
LOL. I meant to say that the intelligent ones know that. But eventually they have to destroy (are destroying) in order to set up their worlds.
By the way, Steve Paikin of The Agenda has a fascinating program this evening on diversity and multiculturalism. It will be on his website by the end of the day. Please watch.
The language of multiculturalism has entered fully into our language. It is astonishing.