Standing in front of a profane backdrop created by her own campaign, an emotional Annette Bosworth condemned criticism of a free-wheeling news conference Tuesday (May 27, 2014). [Source: Bosworth Condenms Mysogyny]Annette Bosworth, the Republican canddate for South Dakota, designed her own backdrop as she stood before reporters to make a press conference. As she talked, she started to choke, and hold back tears. The reason? She was "bullied" online and called all kinds of names.
This is the woman who has a website called
Yet, some name calling by anonymous commenters on internet sites is enough to reduce her to whimpers.
To make her appearance more effective at the press conference, she designed a graffiti of the names she was called, and posted it as a backdrop to her press conference. This actually makes me think that all of this was planned to elicit "sympathy," rather than denounce "haters" on the internet.
Imagine Bush, Reagan, or even Clinton (Mr.) complaining that people were writing hate mails which were published in newspapers or internet sites? They would be a laughing stock, and comedians would have (even more of) a field day.
But, so far as I know, the comics have left Bosworth alone.
And she's running for politics? What happens when the North Koreans, or the Chinese, start moving in on America and the West. How about Muslims saying the West is evil and not Allah's desires, and should be removed from the face of the earth? Would she start crying then?
I think she's actually unstable. She has videos where she looks like a cocky cheerleader, and she vacillates from chirpy to manic during her press conference .
So, that still begs the question: Is this a woman able to run a country, let alone a state?
"The misogyny is real," Bosworth said. "Go to the shootings in California. Look around. South Dakota is not unique. Our country has a problem."Yes, equate the name-calling with people dying!
I had people send me emails calling me racist a while ago. It was a bit of a shock at first, but then I found a solution. I told them that if I heard anything more, I would track down their emails, and report them to the Human Rights Commission. I played them at their own game.
That stopped them!
This site has excerpts from Bosworth's press conference, as well as the full 22-minute video.
Posted By: Kidist P. Asrat