Of Geese and Dandelions
[Photo by: KPA]
Here's a photograph I took of a couple of Canada geese in a park area filled with dandelion heads.
I think there is a nest nearby. The goose closest looks like he's the male, on high alert, whose
...black bill has lamellae, or teeth, around the outside edges that are used as a cutting tool...The male and female have are very similar, with the main difference being the males are larger. They mate for life.
Male Canada geese can be very aggressive they will often attack predators with their wings and bill.
[Source: Canada Goose - Branta canadensis].
Apparently, they like to eat weeds, and dandelions are a favorite. Here's an explanation for their attraction to lawns:
Mowed lawns attract geese by providing nutritious, new grass shoots. Such landscapes also offer unobstructed lines of sight, allowing the birds to detect approaching predators from a distance, and enabling the birds to continue maintaining ties between parents and offspring.And more information from the same source:
[Source: Canada Goose Habitat Modification Manual (pdf file)]
Many urban and suburban areas...were designed and constructed early in the twentieth century, long before resident Canada Geese were abundant birds. They contain landscape features ideally suited for these geese, such as a supply of fresh water, expanses of shortly-mowed lawn, an island with suitable nesting habitat, and sometimes people feeding Canada Geese and other waterfowl.It's a strangely elegant bird. Its long neck is incongruous with it squat body, and it waddles on its flat, webbed feet. But its black and white neck, with the grayish brown body makes it stand out from a distance. And don't get caught in a gaggle fly over, with a burst of loud honks!
Call of the Wild
Posted By: Kidist P. Asrat