
Monday, August 25, 2014

Eternal Golfing Vacation

All those new talking heads haven't figured it out, with their multi-thousand dollar salaries.

Obama is getting ready for his eternal vacation: Post-presidency golf.

The facts are (the reports are) that Obama takes his golfing very seriously. He isn't in the major leagues, after twenty-some years of dedication, but:
"Golf really is now one of his true loves," [Marvin] Nicholson says. "He loves to play, and he admits that he's not a great golfer. But when he becomes an ex-president, he told me the other day, he'd like to try to become a single-digit handicapper. [Source]
Marvin Nicholson:
...is long-time aide and currently the White House trip director, Nicholson has played golf with Obama on 103 occasions. [Source]
Preparing one's vacation time while on the job? This is enough to have one called to the boss' office for explanations, or worse.

This substantiates my analysis that it isn't that Obama is looking to escape the current political turmoil, but rather that he is not concerned about these events, and even may welcome them. I believe his whole agenda for America is ideological change. As I wrote here in my post Post-pax Americana, quoting the journalist Bret Stephens:
America, or the American president, agrees with the positions of the "enemy."
Posted By: Kidist P. Asrat