I continued to challenge the destructive elements of our society and culture at my blog and tried to bring in contributors, with the aim of taking this small idea into a larger movement of Reclaiming Beauty.I also listed a large paragraph of topics that we were to discuss at my "round table" group in New York.
Here is the list of things I planned to discuss at the dinner (from the notes I took with me):
My comment on Lawrence Auster's View from the Right post Standard Lying Politician from February 2013:
I think you are being generous towards Obama. The more I try to understand him, the more I realize that he is insidiously evil. He wants destruction, and destruction of the white West, in order to give us his utopia.Larry Auster did respond:
I think in this regard he is even worse than African black dictators, to whom he has been compared. You could say that black dictators were fighting their rivals, the whites, the best they know how. I don’t think they aimed to destroy their countries. And in some sense, in some historical sense, one could argue that the physical land was theirs.
Obama carries his blackness like some kind of yoke. But he is still an American. Even a black American ought to have some love and respect for his history and the people he lives alongside. The people who created the country in which he lives, and has prospered. Obama is set to destroy his rivals, cleverly and systematically. This means he is out to destroy whites, cleverly and systematically.
Why is he shooting that rifle? Why does he have to show us that image? I think he is running scared. I think he thinks that whites are beginning to see through him, and he has to appease them somewhat. But, it is probably too late for appeasement, and I personally think it is too late.
By the way, I know people like Obama. Black, non-white people who have an evil hate for whites, and who go out of their way to find any possible way to destroy them and their works. It is easier to get away with this in Canada because of the multicultural laws, and the Human Rights Commissions, which are another way of destroying whites. I always say to these people: “Just go back to where you came from.You don’t belong here. You don’t love the country, you don’t wish it well. It would fare better without you.”
I did not mean the description “standard lying politician” to be an exhaustive critique of Obama. I was merely speaking of this photograph. I agree with what you say about him.Below is the photograph, and you can read Auster's full post here:
Here is more on the notes I took with me to the dinner, based on the discussion topic. I focused on "cult of personlality, and on Obama:
1. Obama started with "niceness" then started showing Mussolini moments. But he still uses his "nice guy" persona
- Obama doesn't have the chutzpah to pull it off
- From my blog post Mocker in Chief:
-- [Obama] looks nervous
--Forgetting what he said
--Wants to go with the "Obama nice guy, nice husband, nice father" image
2. Michele Bachmann's statement, in an interview in October 9, 2013, which I posted on blog as "A Dictatorship Under Somebody Like Barack Obama...":
I want the Tea Party to know they made a profound difference, and what they're fighting for is to see if we're actually going to be a constitutional republic or if we're going to be totally devolved into a dictatorship under somebody like Barack Obama.3. Obama's "I am no longer the candidate. I am the President" declaration, which he said soon after his election in 2012 which I discuss in my post on September 2012: Obama's Mussolini Moment, and Other Moments at the DNC
In this post, I also comment on the humility with which Lincoln accepted his role as president, and how Obama used Lincoln's words to his advantage.
4. Mocker in Chief, where I discuss Obama's cruel mockery of Michele Bachmann, rather than substantively discuss (disagree or agree) her comments on his dictatorial desires.
5. And the post Obama's Mussolini Moment, and Other Moments at the DNC, I discuss Obama's use of slavery as the reason for "social justice" in American politics and society.
One of the comments I made, regarding Obamacare, is that Obama may appear to vacillate, but he hasn't budged an inch on his basic views. Now, even liberals are turning against him (or I should say, white liberals), since they are as much under attack in Obama's race-fill world view as are conservatives.
I mention these as the political and societal topics that were discussed as my New York group's dinner. My New Year's Pledge is more specific, though it encompasses politics as well. My 2014 New Year's Pledge, "to challenge the destructive elements of our society and culture" will more specifically analyze how this is affecting beauty, and how I (and hopefully a large "we") can deter and bring it around.
Posted By: Kidist P. Asrat