Wednesday, January 1, 2014
The Fruits of the New Year
[Photo by KPA, New Year 2011]
I like the sound of 2014 (7 being a factor of 14, and Seventh Heaven and all).
2013 was a difficult year for me, although I think I accomplished a lot:
- I started this blog, Reclaiming Beauty, which is an extension of a book project. I titled the book Reclaiming Beauty: Winning Back Our Civilization.
- The blog Reclaiming Beauty is an extension of my previous blog Camera Lucida, where I originally started the idea of writing a book on art, culture and society.
- I traveled twice to New York, where I met with friends, as well as to start my research on Beauty at the New York Public Library, including obtaining library privelages which I can access online, from which I can pursue my research.
- I went through a couple of health scares, and so far, they have been resolved.
- I read several books, including re-reading a long and interesting biography on George Washington.
- I continued to take photos with my clunky, but reliable camera, which I take with me everywhere, and which allowed me to take beautiful photos like this one.
- I continued to challenge the destructive elements of our society and culture at my blog and tried to bring in contributors, with the aim of taking this small idea into a larger movement of Reclaiming Beauty.
So, much of the groundwork has been done in 2013. 2014 should be easier, although I doubt it. I will battle on with persistence and perseverance, and hope to accomplish some of my goals for this year.
So, Happy and Successful New Year to All. I hope your labors will bear some fruit.
Posted By: Kidist P. Asrat