
Monday, April 8, 2013

Some Comments and My Responses

Here are my responses to some dense comments (and commentators).

On Churchill introducing the term "Iron Curtain" to the world:
Anonymous: April 8
It's strange that you did not know that Churchill introduced the term 'iron curtain'. It's a very famous fact.
Kidist: April 8
Well yes. And I bet a lot of others did not know that Churchill introduced the term Iron Curtain. Now they know. Now we all know.

That is how knowledge is transferred, but the way. By not making assumptions.

I found it interesting that Churchill introduced it to an American audience, and not a British one.
On the bold Edwardian lady traveler:
Anonymous: April 7
Freya Madeline Stark travelled in the Edwardian era and later, not the Victorian. There is a lot of difference between the Victorian world and the Edwardian world, especially regarding women and attitudes towards their autonomy.
Kidist: April 8
You miss my point on the Edwardian lady travelers vs. the Victorian Lady traveler. I don't see that much difference between the two (see below).

You seem to think "autonomy" is the greatest thing that happened to women. As visceral male reaction shows us, women can get raped for this "autonomy."

Women knew this. They knew that men could protect them, but they could "rape" and destroy them too. Now we have lost that instinct.

But I don't think your point stands. Women doing anything adventurous on their own would have been frowned upon in both societies, and even physically stopped.

And Stark took all kinds of "feminine" precautions, such as getting male leaders on her side through monetary and humanitarian means (she nursed THEIR wounded men!).

Lara Logan would never do this. She strutted along using her sexuality. The result was she got raped.

I have changed the title to the post from Bold Victorian Lady Traveler to Bold Edwardian Lady Traveler.
On where have all the intelligent men gone?
Anonymous: April 8
I am gratified that you chose Gregory Peck and Peter Falk as examples of intelligent men. Did you know that Peck was a lifelong Democrat and very politically active in Democratic and humanitarian causes, not unlike George Clooney ad Brad Pitt? Did you know that he was vocal enough on behalf of those causes that he made Richard Nixon's enemies list? Falk supported Democratic candidates, including Bill Clinton, in elections and gave money to NOW. Peck married working women.

As to Ginger Rogers and being led by Fred Astaire, she used to say that what she did was harder than what he did ... she had to do it backwards, and in heels.
Kidist: April 8
What we have are idiot democrats (i.e. liberals) in our current era hardly compares with the traditional democrats. And yes, Richard Nixon, that paragon of honesty and excellence himself!
Posted By: Kidist P. Asrat