
Friday, December 5, 2014

A Chocolate Moment

[Photo By: KPA]

The Ferrero Rocher chocolate company is holding a competition it titles "Beauty is in the Details."

Contestants were given a scene in the mall, which included a table set with wine glasses and chocolates, and they were to take a picture of that scene, and submit it to a twitter site.

I happened to be there at the exact moment! Apparently they were there for only a couple of hours, after which they dismantled and left!

The competition guidelines are:
Do you see beauty in the details around you?

Find, capture and share your


on Instagram and/or Twitter

For a chance to win 1 of 250

Ferroro Rocher Holiday Prizes
My "#Ferreromoment" is above, which I took a couple of days ago.

Posted By: Kidist P. Asrat