
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This is the New America

On Fox News, Megyn Kelly interviews CIA interrogator Dr. James Mitchell,
last night on The Kelly File

Dr. Mitchell says (starting at the 15:51 minutes point to 18:15):
Even though you don't want to do it, you're doing it in order to save lives in the country. And we would just have to man up, for lack of a better term, and carry forward.

Do you think at all about the 9/11 victims in these moments?

The 9/11 victims are the reason that I'm here. You know, when they first asked me if I would be willing to do this, my initial thought was "I don't want to do interrogations. That's not who I am." And I knew for a fact that my life as I had previously designed it would be over. But I know the exact instance that I ponied up to this. The exact instance was a person there had asked me if I would do these, and I was hooing and haaing a little bit and either him or another person said "After you see all the intel that I've saw suggesting that a second wave was coming and there was going to be a catastrophic attack, and all that sort of stuff, and if you're not willing to do this, how can we ask somebody else." And that picture of that falling man flashed into my mind, and I thought, I know this is going to sound corny, but it's true. Those people on Flight 94 gave up their lives...If they're willing to give up their lives, these ordinary people, willing to turn into warriors and give up their lives in order to save the Capitol building, [inaudible] that I should be willing to give up my moral high ground to go try and save some additional American lives. What we forget is Al Qaeda tried to decapitate the United States on 9/11. They hit our financial center, they hit our military leaders and they had intended to take out our political leaders. The loss of life was tremendous and horrible. But the real danger...can you imagine if they had managed to kill the senators as well as do everything else they did?
I recommend listening to the complete interview which is here.

I've put up an image (above) which is larger than the usual size I post because I wanted to be able to show the expressions in the eyes of Megyn Kelly, the interviewer at The Kelly File, and the CIA agent Dr. James Mitchell.

Kelly is clearly close to tears, but (as I watched the whole interview), she managed to hold off even a drop of a tear. She was reacting to the gross maligning that this noble man received from his own country.

Mitchell is red-eyed and exhausted. He is defending his honor, and his country, and has been doing so for a while.

This is the consequence of the "CIA document releasing" actions of the American government, clearly supported by the President.

Here is what Chris Wallace says in a discussion on Fox News Sunday:
...President Obama had to walk kind of a tightrope this week because on the one hand, he continued to condemn these enhanced interrogation as torture, he's the one who ended them in 2009. On the other hand, he certainly didn't want to undercut the CIA and his director, the man leading the agency, John Brennan.
This is the new America.
Posted by: Kidist P. Asrat