
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Periwinkle Illustration

The above illustration of a periwinkle is posted in the New York Public Library's Digital Gallery has the following description (via the NYPL Digital Gallery):

Image Details
Image Title: Pervinca vulgaris, latifolia, flore cæruleo = Vinca-pervinca = Pervenche. [Vinca minor or Periwinkle]
Additional Name(s): Martelli, Niccoló, 1735-1829 -- Editor
Bonelli, Giorgio, b. 1724 -- Author
Alternate Source Title: Hortus Romanus plantaru
Medium: Engravings -- Hand-colored
Item/Page/Plate: 94
Standard Reference: Pritzel (2nd) 1976
Source: Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo. / strictius distributus a Georgio Bonelli ... specierum nomina suppeditante, peditante, praestantiorum quas ipse selegit, adumbrationem dirigente Liberato Sabbati ... adjectis unicuique volumini rariorum platnarum tabulis c. aere incisis.
Source Description: 8 v. : chiefly col. ill., ports, 1 folded plan ; 54 cm.
Location: Stephen A. Schwarzman Building / Rare Books Division

More on the Hortus Romanus here:
The Hortus Romanus, considered as one of the few Italian efforts at the publication of colour plate botanical books in the eighteenth century, is generally ascribed to Giorgio Bonelli, an Italian physician and professor of medicine in Rome.

In truth, Bonelli only wrote a short introductory text which was published in Volume I. The vast bulk of the work was by Liberato and Constantio Sabbati, and edited by Niccolo Martellio. The beautiful botanical renderings were mostly engraved by Maddalena Bouchard after the drawings by C. Ubertini. The series was published in Rome by Bouchard et Gravier.
The vine-like illustration is realistic, where the vine spreads horizontally forming a dense ground cover.

Posted By: Kidist P. Asrat